What is Younique?
Younique is one of the newest and fastest growing direct sales companies, they began recruiting presenters in September, 2012 and launched for product sales on November 1, 2012. What sets Younique apart from other direct sales companies: they offer high quality naturally based products that people are incredibly interested in buying. Younique offers a high-end line of naturally based mineral make-up and beauty products, including our #1 best seller, the Original Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes, that don't come with a high price tag. Younique has already become a million dollar company so things are happening very fast for this amazing brand!
Do I have to do In-Home Parties?
Only if you want to! As a presenter you can work in your PJs all day if you want to! You can do ALL your selling through social media - Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram. You can host virtual or in-home parties or if you just LOVE being the hostess - have a party of your own at home. You have complete control over how you would like to run your business!
Do I have to keep inventory on hand?
You're not required to hold any inventory; everything is shipped straight from corporate to your clients.You can order additional items for vendor events or in-home parties if you want to, but it is not required.
Do I get any training or support?
Yes TONS. Younique is all about uplifting, empowering, validating and supporting other women -- both customers and presenters. You'll get support, inspiration and ideas from corporate, from other presenters, from myself. As your sponsor, my job is to provide you with all the information I can, to help you succeed in you business, what you do with it is up to you. Like I said: we're here to help each other! There are Facebook groups where we share marketing ideas, social media tactics, inspiration and lots of laughs :)
Why should I join?
Its the Best job ever! As a Younique Presenter you get:
- Instant royalties - Get paid less than 4 hours after every sale on you site
- Generous compensation plan
- Earn Younique cash and free products
- Incentive trips
- Meet and learn from amazing woman
How much does it cost?
It's only $99US/$119CAN/$129AUD/$139NZD/£69UK to sign up! You get a new presenter's starter kit, which is valued at $216US/$254CAN/$273AUD/$289NZD/£174UK so you already start off winning. There's no other hidden fees or monthly auto-ship.
What does the Presenter Kit include?
- 3D Fiber Lashes
- Uplift Eye Serum
- Refreshed Rosewater
- Lucrative Lip Gloss - Luxe
- Moodstruck Precision Pencil Eye Liners - set of 3 (Perfect, Pristine, Prim)
- Shade Stick
- White Status Charm (on purple ring)
- Black Oval Embossed Presenter Case
- Free business website
- Instant Access to the Younique Virtual Party System™ (start hosting parties immediately)
- $25 USD in Younique Cash on your birthday, annually
- PayQuicker Younique bank account and Purple Younique Branded Debit Card
- Presenter Guide
- Current Catalog
Are there monthly quotas to meet?
In order to stay active a Presenter must have $125US in PRS on a rolling 3 month basis; what that means is that within the current month and the 2 previous month you would have had to sell or purchase $125US is product; SOOOOO Easy to do! That is 5 Sets of our Amazing 3D Fiber Lash Mascara, and truthfully I buy 10 at a time and they are sold before they arrive, so if you work it you can succeed!
These are the questions I get asked the most about Younique and becoming a presenter. If you have any others, feel free to ask!