I told myself that it would be OK, it would take time, but I would survive the transition and that being in an airless pump was a great thing and would be so much easier than scooping up a little ball and some gel. I had convinced myself that nothing could replace my Brilliant, and boy was I wrong!!
Brilliant has now been replaced with Divine Daily Moisturizer; here is what the website says about it: A supremely divine daily moisturizer that has been formulated for all skin types - we call that Divine! This new formulation has fewer preservatives and comes in an airless pump.
I received the Divine about 2 weeks ago, and have used it everyday since, as I have said before I am pretty bad about washing my face at night, however, I have been trying to do that every night so that I can use my Uplift Eye Serum, and have been doing pretty well at it. So after washing and applying the uplift to my eye area, I apply my Divine; and I honestly can say that I love it MORE than I loved Brilliant!!
Divine is sooooo much easier to use; one little pump does the entire face! It is very smooth and silky and my skin loves it! I honestly did not think that my face could feel any better than it did with Brilliant, but with Divine it is does!
There is no smell with Divine, and even though it faded quickly the smell of green peppers with the Brilliant was sometime a little bit much, so I am very thankful for the lack of smell.
Normally by the time I wake in the morning, my face feels a little oily and dirty, so I wash it right away with my Illuminate Clear Cleanser, but with having applied Divine before bed, my skin does not have that same feeling in the morning. I still wash and reapply my Divine, but will admit that on the weekends, when I am not leaving home, I sometime completely skip the face washing. Of course that is also the days when I stay in my pajamas all day long! LOVE those days!!
So for all of those that are looking for a really good moisturizer, or those who loved our Brilliant and are sad that it is no longer available, give Divine a try, I am sure you will love it as much as I do!!
Divine and all the other Younique Products can be purchased through my site www.youniquebypamela.com or through any other Younique Presenter.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope it helps you in deciding to give Divine a try!
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