Hello everyone!!!

The first thing was this year I asked for a corner location with a bigger spot, so we had a prime location! I then broke each day up into 2 shifts, and shared the space with some fellow presenters; that way we could all get our name out there and generate customers and potential presenters.
The second thing and the most obvious to me, was the tremendous increase in Brand Recognition! The first event very few people had heard of Younique or knew what 3D Fiber Lashes were; this year our growth was evident in the number of people that knew about Younique or had at least seen or heard about our 3D Lashes!

I took the opening shift and between my team member and I we had 13 sets of 3D lashes on hand; we sold completely out in our 4 hours and could have sold more; the second shift that day sold a total of 16 sets; then on Sunday the opening shift sold out of the 15 sets she had in under 3 hours; I then had the closing 3 hour shift and thankfully a fellow presenter had a supply of 3D lashes and loaned me 10 sets, I sold out in less than 2 hours! All total we sold 54 sets of 3D Lashes and could have sold more; and I gave out 40 catalogs and close to 100 business cards!
I have not yet heard the final head count on attendance, however, I believe it was over 1,000 and it was so much fun!! I will definitely be doing it again next year!!
Things I learned this time around, 1) I need more table cloths, that match; 2) I need a black background that can be set up on 2 sides of the booth, preferably with a large Younique Logo on 1 of the sides; 3) I need to invest in either table top stands or a black bakers rack to display products; and 4) I really need to find a nice black or silver throw rug or anti stress mat to stand on; 5) models to show off the product; and 6) bring LOTS of 3D Lashes!!!
I have several more events and in home parties scheduled through the end of the year, and I know that 2015 will be my year!! Younique is my future and I am so glad to be a part of it!
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